Description from the publisher The best and only fully automated craigslist posting tool. Not only does it do craigslist, it also has a g-mail account creator, Cl account creator, email harvest and sender, IP changer, automatic video submitter to video sites and captcha by-pass function. Ideal for realtors or nich marketers. Welcome to Craigslist Posting Service (CAPS) – The Best place ever for your entire craigslist ad posting needs. With our 10 years of craigslist ad posting experience we can post your Ads in all cities & categories of your choice with 100% Live Guarantee. We are sending daily, weekly & monthly reports to all of our clients. Craigslist Auto Poster Now you can use one piece of software to place your ads on Craigslist, Backpage, and Ebay Classifieds. With CLAD Genius auto posting software it's easy to begin marketing. So get started now and download the demo by clicking on the button below. Craigslist Quick Poster is the auto poster software for startup companies to establish their business via It follows the way of One click, one ad. Here you no need to take any risk of advertising through the website. We develop Craigslist posting software of all kinds. We have developed this particular Craigslist auto posting software over a number of years. We call it CraigsPoster Pro. Our Craigslist posting software are so easy to use, all that is required for you to get started is to install it, and add your Craigslist username, and password.
If you are willing to post your classified on Craigslist and want to know top 10 best craigslist posting software, this article is just for you.
Auto & Manual Poster. By far, the best Craigslist & FB Marketplace software! We've tried 6 other softwares this is a no-brainer! Our cost per lead has gone. However, there exists Craigslist auto posting software can help uproot this tedious task from the business and place it in the hands of a service provider. This permits the business to focus on doing other forms of marketing or satisfying the orders that result from the marketing. Commonly, Craigslist autoposter will require some setup prior to.
Using these craigslist posting tool, you can quickly post your classified on Craigslist in different categories simultaneously, which otherwise is a time-consuming process. So let’s move ahead and check out which are the 10 best craigslist ad posting software which you can be used for posting classified ads, automatically and effortlessly.
Top 10 Best Craigslist Posting Software
Posting classified on Craigslist via craigslist software is really easy. But if you bombard the ads and posts ads in a monotonous way, there are pretty good chances for you to get banned on the website. So take it as an advice. Don’t spam ads on Craigslist and be wise while posting your ads via the craigslist auto poster.
So now without making any unnecessary delay, let’s go ahead with my list of top 10 best craigslist automatic posting tools.
1. Crayzilla
Crayzilla is number one craigslist posting software on my list and I have a reason for that. It is one of the most popular and splendid craigslist automated posting tools out there. As per the website data, over 1,00,000 classifieds are posted through this tool, on various ad posting websites every day.
With Crayzilla, you can schedule your ads to be posted at your desired time. And you can even automate the ads for renewal. Apart from craigslists, Crayzilla also supports ads posting on Backpage, and eBay Classifieds sites. And the best part is, you can manage all these three biggest classified sites through one tool i.e. Crayzilla.
Automatic account creation, IP Rotation system, Content spinning, Auto scheduling and ads reposting, Cookies and the cache manager, and Captcha Bypass are some other highlights of this tool. These features of Crayzilla makes it a leading tool for creating campaigns and growing an online business.
The content spinning and IP Rotations are the two features which prevent you from the ban on the classified websites. Because as I said above, if you post similar contents on multiple websites, there are chances for you to get banned. But Crazilla takes care of everything. It creates the account for you, spins your ads to avoid ban and even changes the IP of your computer along with clearing cache on your browser.
2. CL Auto Posting Tool
CL Auto Posting tool is yet another feature-rich craigslist quick poster tool which you can trust on. Like Crayzilla, CL Auto posting tool also offers features like Backpage, Automatic Re-poster, Proxy IP Rotator, Auto Posting Scheduler, Cache Cleaner and IP Renew add-ons.
These are just a few features which I’ve mentioned. Apart from them, there are several other features offered by CL Auto Posting tool which are needed to grow any business and get it promoted on various platform. The interface of CL auto poster is really intuitive. And you can manage everything from within the software itself, whether it’s about editing, deleting or even posting the add.
Besides that, CL Auto Posting tool also offers Automatic captcha bypass, Easy campaign management, Automated email verification, and the ability to post multiple ads in multiple categories. Moreover, you can also attach images to various ads and so many other features are offered by CL Auto Posting tool that you can’t miss checking out.
The only thing which can make you distracted from this ad posting tool is it’s being premium. However, it comes with a 7-day demo period which allows you to post only 25 ads. And the features you get in the demo version are also very limited. To get access to the full features of CL auto poster, you need to go premium.
3. Craigslister eAssignment
If you liked the above two tools as your desired ad posting software but you can’t afford their premium versions, Give Craigslister eAssignment a try. It’s an incredible ad posting Software which is FREE but offers premium-like features.
Craigslister eAssignment doesn’t only offers ads and classified posting facility on Craigslist, but you can even Videotise your listings on YouTube, Google, Yahoo, Veoh, etc with the same tool. The ads you create and post via Craigslister eAssignment are powerful and visually appealing.
Besides, Craigslister eAssignment also enables you to edit, delete and rename ads from within the Software. You don’t need to visit the classified sites manually to make changes in your add. Moreover, it also gives you the facility to view the ad submission history like which ads are Live, Flagged etc. Also, it automatically rewrites ads, spin the ads and titles to avoid any kind od ban and so forth.
Besides that, eAssignment also takes care of email confirmation, Captcha handling, and IP address changing. And there are so many other Videotising features offered by this craigslist posting software. So if you haven’t yet tried your hands on this Software, go and give it a try. I’m sure you will like it.
4. CLAD Blaster
CLAD Blaster is again a very comprehensive craigslist posting software which comes with a long list of features like any other top Software in the industry.
CLAD Blaster offers features like auto-renewal of ads in every 48 hours, re-posting of expired ads, ads scheduling, Auto-spinning of ads content and titles, Image spinning and so forth. All these features are most desired by any of the marketers and CLAD Blaster has them all.
However, it comes with a limitation of posting only 150 ads a day, but I guess that’s not a problem for most of the marketers. As posting more than 150 ads can be considered as spamming. So in short, CLAD Blaster is a smart Ad-posting tool which can be given a shot.
If you are impressed by the CLAD features and willing to try your hands on it, just download the software from its official website. The trial version of CLAD comes with a free 3-day trial period. Yes, the trial period is that short. But I guess it’s enough to give you a glimpse of its working.
5. CLAD Genius Software
From Job posting to real estate, items for sale, the forum to everything in between, CLAD Genius craigslist posting software is there to help you do this boring Craigslists ad-posting task effortless and interestingly. Not just Craigslist but CLAD also allows to auto-post ads on Backpage and eBay Classifieds.
CLAD Genius Software is an amazing tool with extraordinary features. It makes creating and posting ads on various classified sites as easy as ABC. Changing the ads Content and titles automatically, automatic account creation on craigslist, Gmail, Hotmail etc., auto-scheduling are some of the highlighting features of CLAD genius.
Moreover, it also offers features like Captcha auto bypass, Ads auto tracking, Proxy support and every single feature is there in CLAD genius which you can expect your ad-poster tool to have. Besides that, CLAD genius also lets you easily select the cities and countries you want your product to get promoted.
By the way, if you are thinking that you are going to get all these features for free, then you are highly mistaken. Remember, quality never comes for free and so is CLAD genius. CLAD genius is a pretty costly ad-posting Software which comes in different pricing modules with the different set of features.
6. Craigslist Classifieds Ad posting utility
The next craigslist posting software on the list is Craigslist Classified Ad Posting utility. It’s a very decent yet powerful tool which makes ads posting an easy task. If you have even been on Craigslist, you must have realized that all the ads and classified listed on the website are simple-looking.
And If you have even a bit of coding skills, you must have an idea that to make the ads look visually attractive, one needs to use HTML coding on it. But Craigslist Classified ad posting utility is one such Software which helps you decorate your ads with Microsoft Excel-based utility, without really getting into HTML coding.
And it’s needless to say, when the ads are catchy, they generate more views and get more public attention. Besides that, this tool is really affordable and easy to use. It facilitates the users to save the ads and publish them anytime later. And there are several amazing features of this tool, which made me list it on my top 10 list.
7. Craigslist Quick Poster
Craigslist Quick poster is simple to use and quick ad posting tool on the list. Craigslist Quick Poster is an Absolutely FREE to use a Software. And its ideal for small business owners who can’t invest in classified-posting tools like CL auto poster or Crayzilla.
This tool has a very intuitive interface and it’s very easy to work with. Moreover, the downloading and the installation process of Craigslist is also extremely simple. Posting one ad on Craigslist quick poster is a matter of one click. And the process is so seamless that even a non-techy can use this tool like a pro.
The major highlights of this Software is its simple interface, fast processing, and seamless working. Apart from this, Craigslists quick poster doesn’t offer a long list of features like some premium tools in the industry. But for basic users and small business, it is a must to be considered a tool.
So if you are a small business owner and looking for a craigslist posting software which is very free yet powerful, perhaps your search is going to end on Craigslist quick poster.
8. ESC AD Poster
ESC Ad Poster is a great tool for posting classified on various electronic boards, craigslist and other top classified sites. Using this tool, you can create your ads campaigns and post your classified on multi-platforms effortlessly and help yourself grow your business like never before.
Its easy to use, multi-functional and affordable tool, which is suitable for all kind of business professionals and individuals. To post your ads on multiple websites using this tool, all you need to do is, just create your ad, enter your information regarding the add and your contact details, and post the ads.
That’s it. In no time, the ESC Ad poster takes the command of your ads and you can just enjoy your tedious work of ad-posting getting done automatically.
ESC craigslist posting software is absolutely free to download and use. You can download it from the above link without really paying anything. Now let’s move forward to my next pick for the best Craigslists poster tool.
9. ASN Auto Posting Tool
Are you are a vehicle dealer? if yes, then ASN Auto posting tool is just for you. Unlike other craigslist posting software on the list, ASN Auto Posting tool is dedicated to Vehicle owners and dealers. If you want to post an ad about your vehicles in different cities, no need to go manual.
With this software, you can post your ads in multiple cities with just one click. Also, you can manage the visibility of the ads. Meaning, you can take control of your ads to be visible in which city and also, the time when the ads should be shown.
This tool also offers various ads styling options to make your ads look appealing. So all in all, it’s not the best ad-posting tool for all the marketers. But it’s indeed useful for those who are into vehicle business. To know more features of this Software, you need to get your hands on it.
It comes with basic features in the free version. To have access to the full features, you need to buy this tool which is very affordable even for the small businesses.
10. CraigsAdman
CraigsAdman is my last pick in the top 10 craigslist posting software list. If you are not impressed with any of the above craigslist posting software tools, you must give CraigsAdman a try. It’s a handy tool for posting ads and classifieds to craigslist automatically.
CraigsAdman contains all the standard and advanced ad-posting features offered by most of the top ad-posting software mentioned in the list. To use this Software, you don’t really need to have any skills. It has very simple Interface and it’s extremely easy to use.
Craigslist Auto Poster Software For Mac
CraigsAdman works great on all the windows computers. So if you are a windows user and looking for a Craigslist posting software which can help you save your precious time of marketing your product, you can try your hands on CraigsAdman. It’s free to try and comes with a free 30-day trial period.
Hand Picked Stuff For You:
With More than 700 local sites in 70 countries, Craigslist receives more than 50 billion page views per month. Over 1 million job listings and over 80 million classified ads are posted each month on Craigslist. All these data show how big Craigslist is. And it’s pretty apparent that posting our classified on Craigslist do make a difference.
But since craigslist has different local websites for different areas, you need to post your ads separately for different regions if you want more people to reach on your ads. However, the process to posts jobs and ads on Craigslist is not really difficult a task. But it indeed turns out to be tedious when we have to post multiple ads in different categories.
In such cases, having knowledge about these craigslist posting software turns out to be really handy. On that note, we have reached the end of the article and its time for me to wrap it up. If you have any doubts, queries or suggestions, do let me know in the comments section below. I’ll try my best to get back to you as soon as possible.
Craigslist Auto Poster Software
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